20mm breites Schlüsselband mit Sicherheitsverschluss und Metallclip. Länge des offenen Schlüsselbands 98 cm.
Weißes Satinschlüsselband mit Spiegellogo, Druck nur auf der Vorderseite.
Praktisch für Schlüssel, Telefone, Hundepfeifen, Zutrittskarten, Ausweise.
Kugelschreiber CLEAR, schwarze Tinte, mit Etui. Aus recycelten Plastikflaschen hergestellt.Material: Recyceltes PET. Aufgedrucktes blaues IVECO BUS Logo
Metal USB flash drive with an ultra-small size thanks to the next-generation COB chip. The sleek design and the use of metal give it an elegant and refined style. It is opened by a rotary motion on one side. It is equipped with a small ring functional for the passage of a mini lanyard, delivered with the product, made of polyester with a metal terminal. Engraved IVECO BUS logo
Metal USB flash drive with an ultra-small size thanks to the next-generation COB chip. The sleek design and the use of metal give it an elegant and refined style. It is opened by a rotary motion on one side. It is equipped with a small ring functional for the passage of a mini lanyard, delivered with the product, made of polyester with a metal terminal. Engraved IVECO BUS logo